Viano Cristina


Cristina Viano, jardins d'All Souls

Born in Turin (Italy) in 1959, Cristina Viano has been student in the local University, where she obtained the laurea in philosophy in 1983. In 1986, she obtained the PhD. at La Sorbonne with a dissertation on Heraclitus in Aristotle, directed by Pierre Aubenque. In 2004, in the same university, she obtained the Habilitation à diriger des recherches, with a dissertation directed by Jonathan Barnes and entitled Etudes de philosophie grecque: Doxographie. Théories philosophiques et alchimiques de la matière. Les passions chez Aristote. Since 1992 she is researcher at the CNRS, in the Centre "Léon Robin" Since 2009 she is Senior researcher. She has frequently sojourned in foreign institutions, in particular in Cambridge, Edinburgh and Oxford. She has been visiting professor in Venice, São Paulo, Santiago (Chili), México, Jinan (Shandong, China). She is member of the European Society for Ancient Philosophy (ESAP). She belongs to scientific board of the Revista de Filosofia Antiga (São Paulo), of the journal Dialogoi. Ancient Philosophy Today and of the series Sources of Alchemy and Chemistry: Sir Robert Mond Studies in the History of Early Chemistry, Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC).

She is associated research director at the École Doctorale 433 (Concepts et langages) of Sorbonne Université, member of the Council of the Doctoral School in Philosophy at the University Ca' Foscari Venice. She directed an interrnational project (GDRI) (France, Italy, Brazil, UK and Portugal), entitled: AITIA/AITIAI. The causal link in the ancient thought: origins, forms and transformations (2014-2017) ( and two Franco-Brazilian cooperation projects (SPRINT CNRS-FAPESP) with USP, São Paulo, respectively entitled "Pathos. The Aristotelian doctrine of emotions " (2018-2019) and "The individual and the city: human and political relationships in Aristotle and in his time" (2020-2021). She currently directs a CNRS International Research Project (IRP) (France, Brazil, UK), entitled PATHOS. Passions, actions et réactions dans le monde antique/ PATHOS. Passions, Actions and Reactions in ancient World (2022-2026).

She directs a certain number of PhD and is responsible of a research seminar at Sorbonne Université. She also taught history of ancient philosophy in University of Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne. Her main research fields concern the history of philosophy and ancient science. Her main topics are: (a) The ancient doctrines of causation. (b) Aristotle: natural philosophy, ethics, rhetoric and the theory of passions. In particular, she published the Italian translation, with introduction and notes of Aristotle's Rhetoric (Laterza publishing house, Bari); (c) Ancient theories of matter from the Presocratics to the Neoplatonists. She has published the book La matière des choses. Le livre IV des Météorologiques d'Aristote, et son interprétation par Olympiodore, with the Greek text and a translation of Olympiodorus' commentary to book IV (Vrin 2006, this work obtained the "Azogue Book Of The Year Award for the book that provides the most compelling and enjoyable insight into history of alchemy and related fields"); (d) Alexandrian alchemy and the relationship with Greek philosophy; (e) Doxography (Heraclitus, Socrates, Stoics). Her bibliographical production includes, in addition to the works mentioned above, eleven directions of collective works and a hundred articles.


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