Lefebvre David



David Lefebvre is a former student of the École Normale supérieure (1987); in 1990, he passed the French “agrégation de philosophie”. He started studying ancient philosophy with professor Jacques Brunschwig at the University Paris I (working on Simplicius’ commentary on Aristotle’s treatise on time and on Epictetus). David Lefebvre defended his PhD. in 2000 with professor Rémi Brague and, in 2012, he got his “Habilitation à diriger des recherches”. He has taught as assistant professor in the department of philosophy of the École normale supérieure (2000-2006) and at the Sorbonne (2006-2014). After his “Habilitation”, he has been elected as full professor at the University of Clermont-Ferrand (2015-2018); since 2018, he is professor of the history of ancient philosophy at the department of philosophy of Sorbonne University, and member of the centre Léon Robin.

His research interests focus on Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition, with three main topics: (1) Aristotle’s Metaphysics and especially book Theta (his publications on this issue include notably Dynamis, Sens et genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance, Vrin); (2) Aristotle’s biology, particularly the Generation of Animals: he made a new French translation of this treatise in the Complete Works of Aristotle published by Flammarion; on the same subject, he is the editor with Andrea Falcon of Aristotle's Generation of Animals, A Critical Guide, published by Cambridge University Press; (3) the Peripatetic tradition, including Theophrastus, Strato, and Eudemus (he has published various papers and he has edited with Annick Jaulin: La Métaphysique de Théophraste, Principes et apories, Peeters).

He is currently working on two new books: a running commentary of the five books of Aristotle’s Generation of Animals with a revised translation (to be published by Les Belles Lettres, in the collection “Anagôgè”); a new translation with notes and commentary of Metaphysics book Theta, to be published by Vrin. Marwan Rashed and David Lefebvre are General editors of a series published by Vrin devoted to the translation and commentary of the 14 books of Aristotle’s Metaphysics (up to now, 4 books have been published: Delta, Epsilon, Eta, and Lambda).

David Lefebvre is editor of the French journal Les Études Philosophiques published by the Presses Universitaires de France.

He has been Department Chair in the Philosophy Department of Sorbonne University from November 2018 to 2022.

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