History of the Léon Robin Centre

The "Centre for Study of Ancient Thought" or "Léon Robin Centre" was founded by Pierre-Maxime Schuhl, Léon Robin's successor at the Sorbonne, around a "research conference" set up in 1947 to bring together PhD students as well as "the CNRS workers", around the library of Léon Robin, which was bought by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Paris in 1948. The Centre became a research unit associated with the CNRS in 1969, under the direction of Pierre-Maxime Schuhl, who was its Director until December 31st, 1972. From 1973, Pierre Aubenque succeeded him as head of the Centre, which he made an institution with both national and international influence (URA 107 of the CNRS).

From January 1st, 1991 until October 2002, the Center was directed by Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey, P. Aubenque's successor at the University of Paris-IV (UPRESA 8061 of the CNRS). Having become UMR 8061 of the CNRS on November 1st, 2002, the Centre was directed until September 2006 by Jonathan Barnes, Professor at the University of Paris-IV. From January 2006 to December 2018, the Léon Robin Centre was also associated with the École Normale Supérieure. It was directed from October 1st, 2006 to December 31st, 2009 by Barbara Cassin, senior researcher at the CNRS, assisted by J.-B. Gourinat, Deputy Director. From January 1st, 2010 to August 31st, 2012, the Centre was then directed by André Laks, professor at the University of Paris-IV and by J.-B. Gourinat, Deputy Director. Following the retirement of A. Laks, the Center has been headed since September 1st, 2012 by Jean-Baptiste Gourinat, director, and Marwan Rashed, deputy director.


Former directors of the Léon Robin Centre (reverse chronological order):

  • André Laks
  • Barbara Cassin
  • Jonathan Barnes
  • Gilbert Romeyer Dherbey
  • Pierre Aubenque
  • Pierre-Maxime Schuhl

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