Lecerf Adrien


Adrien Lecerf, born in 1985, is an alumnus of the École Normale Supérieure - Ulm (2005) and holds the Agrégation in Lettres classiques (Classics - Humanities; 2010). His main research areas concern the traditions of Platonism, most notably the development of Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Proclus, and his PhD (discussed on December 2015) was devoted to the system of Iamblichus. He is interested in the various intersections between religion and rationality as well as the history of theology in the Late Ancient period; purportedly "revealed" Pagan texts such as the Chaldean oracles, several Pythagorean tracts and the Orphic poems; and finally in the issues of commentary, exegesis and the formation of a technical vocabulary of philosophy, a research orientation for which he was recruited as a junior fellow researcher at CNRS (position entitled "Religious textualities").

Among his projects are editions and/or translations of Neoplatonists such as Hierocles of Alexandria, Emperor Julian (the Apostate), Sallustius and above all Iamblichus of Chalcis, whose Fragments and testimonies he intends to edit in full, after having collaborated to the re-edition of Iamblichus' major work, the Reply to Porphyry (Egyptian Mysteries).

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