Find us
Postal address:
Centre Léon Robin (CNRS, UMR 8061)
Sorbonne Université
1, rue Victor Cousin
F-75230 Paris cedex 05
The premises of the Léon Robin Centre are located in the Sorbonne, room F371, on second floor of staircases E, F or T, all accessible from the Richelieu gallery.
Map of the Sorbonne
: stops "Luxembourg" or "Saint-Michel";
Metro lines
: stops "Cluny-la-Sorbonne", "Odéon" or "Saint-Michel";
Bus lines
: stop "Les Écoles"
administrative and financial assistant, prevention assistant: 01 40 46 26 32
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library: 01 40 46 47 39
direction : 01 40 46 26 31
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Marwan Rashed
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